Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day- Going Tubing

Christian went tubing on the boat for the first time this weekend. He wasn't scared at all. Jumped right into the water and started swimming towards the float. He had a great time with his daddy :o)

Friday, May 22, 2009

First Word

Carson learned a new word yesterday.....Uh Oh! At first I thought it was an accident and he didn't really say what I thought he said, but after the 10th time he threw his food off the highchair, looked down and said it, I realized he knew what he was doing. I was so excited, I started throwing his food on the floor and saying it, too. These kids make you do weird things!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Jim and Sue Nunn Training Center

We were so thrilled this weekend to go to the "grand opening" of the Jim and Sue Nunn Training Center up at Woodruff Scout Reservation. The building will be utilized during the summers as a staff retreat area, complete with fully stocked, state of the art, kitchen. A couple of people, mom included, will actually live in that building. It has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms inside. On the outside of the building, there are 2 or 3 full bathrooms for adults to use while at camp. During the school year, 2 of the bedrooms are converted to meeting rooms. There were so many people there on Sunday, faces we haven't seen in 20 years and some we just saw last week, but equally as wonderful. The entire Nunn family was there, including Jimmie and Pete. The only one missing was dad. Chris said it best when he said "I've turned around 3 times now and expected to see Jim". I knew what he meant. Dad was with us. You could just feel it. I know he was proud of this recognition.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


We have recently signed Christian up for Karate. Our thought was whether or not he learns a lick of Karate, the dicipline you learn would be worth it. And it's pretty cool. He says token phrases during class like "Sir, Yes Sir, Yes I can, and I did it!" Yesterday they learned all about strangers and staying away from them. So far, we've been impressed. Now... if we can just get him to say those things outside of class.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Do Carson and Christian look alike?

If you've seen the boys, or pictures of the boys, you know they can look pretty similar sometimes and then others, not even close. But last night, Aunt LiLi, Christian and I went to a baseball game and Christian was telling LiLi that he looks like Chris and Carson looks like mommy. LiLi added "And you look like your brother". Christian thought about it and then agreed saying "Yes, sometimes I have red hair" :o)